Pet boarding can be a demanding market – sometimes it`s difficult to stand out and attract more
customers in ever changing environment. We bring you some tips on how you can be better and start to
make more.
1. Offer your customer to stay close to their pets
People want to know what their pets are doing. Involve gadgets – you can have a special camera
connected to their phones so they can see them whenever they want. Or you can include video calls or
monitoring bracelets. Maybe even keep a pet`s diary and send it every night. Be creative, add more
value for money and attract more customers!
2. Invest in luxury
People love luxury and some of them want them for their pets. You can transform your hotel or private
facility into luxury pet`s corner. Maybe add a pet`s gym in your backyard, invest in a spa, offer grooming.
Luxury pet boarding is an increasing market. Seize it!
3. Give more walks
Keeping it simple works more for you? Add another walk for you customer`s dog for free and stay
healthier at the same time!